I Want to Find my Spiritual Path, but Where do I Start?

I remember asking this question myself many years ago. Though my Catholic education is the wonderful foundation of my faith, I always felt there was much more truth I needed to find. I didn’t know where to start, or where I was supposed to end up. I was sure I needed to be taught by great spiritual teachers but had no idea how to find them. I felt like a pre-school student wishing I already had my PHD.

Spiritual teachers can help immensely. Yet, a good spiritual teacher takes our hand and leads us back home to ourselves. They can guide us and share what they have learned themselves. Yet, just like good parents, they empower us and help us to believe in ourselves and remember that we are so much more than we think we are. They push us out of the nest and help us find our spiritual wings. They do not encourage us to depend on them. The best teachers I studied, guided me to understand that our path to awakening and enlightenment is not outside of us to be discovered, but rests within us to be remembered.

However, we have to start somewhere and a good place to start is with someone we trust to show us the way. It’s not always easy to find that someone, but if we begin by having faith in our instincts and intuition, we will be guided successfully. Something I didn’t know back then that I wish I had, was this. A very powerful, effective, and simple way to begin finding our path, purpose, and people who can assist us, is to ask our team of light for help. Let them know we are ready and willing to awaken and be of service in whatever way we intended before embarking on this earthly journey. The more we communicate with our team of light, which consists of our Creator, our spirit guides, and the angels, the more we will be able to discern their wise and compassionate voices, rather than our fearful ego-mind. Once again, we must remember, our team of light is bound by our gift of free will. They cannot intercede in a meaningful way unless we give them permission.

Perhaps, those of you reading or listening to this blog were guided to find Drusilla’s dream and the work I do. I appreciate your trust in me, just as much as I appreciate and trust that we are all capable of remembering the beautiful beings of light and love that we infinitely are. I am merely a signpost on your journey. My purpose is to help guide us all, including myself, to our inner temple. I say even myself because by sharing my story and my journey with you every day, I am in constant contact with the highest aspect of who I am. I am human just as we all are, and thus susceptible to the fear that can arise from the challenges, adversities and losses, we will most likely face here on the earth plane. In fact, those difficult times were, for many of us, the catalyst we needed to force wide open the door to our true selves.

I once read an interesting metaphor that was used to help us understand why we often forget our vast, powerful and starry selves. Imagine that we are like an iceberg. The only part of the iceberg we can see is the part that is visible above the surface of the water. We may believe that is all there is to that blob of ice floating around in the ocean. The truth is it is only very small part of the massive mountain of ice. We, as a human in this world, often perceive ourselves to be only what we can see with our physical eyes. Thus, we begin to determine our worth and judge ourselves according to a society that has a skewed sense of reality. We look in the mirror, see only the iceberg, and decide if we are worthy and loveable or not, by evaluating the very limited, biological and mortal form, we are presently residing in. That part is only about 20% of who we are.

What lies beneath is the other 80% and our true immortal nature or our soul. That part of us is absolutely perfect, and deeply and eternally loved by God and the entire Universe. The key to remember is that, so is every other soul ever created. No one is held in higher esteem, revered, or loved more than anyone else. Even the ones who we perceive to be evil and beyond redemption are equally loved by God. Why? It is because as we were created, we took our rightful place within the matrix of the one energy that binds us all to each other. That energy is love. Therefore, we are all authentically and organically made of love now and forever more.

Ok, so we are still faced with the question about how to take action once we ask for help. Meditation, of course, is essential, but may take time and practice for us to be able to reach our inner temple regularly. In the meantime, we do some seeking. While still in the throes of a very painful, confusing and frightening time in my life, I set out upon my spiritual adventure. I would go to a local metaphysical bookstore to find something to read to help direct me. I’d browse through the various topics by picking up a book and thumbing through a few pages, then putting it back until I found “the one.” As soon as I picked up “the one,” my face flushed and became burning hot, and that’s how I knew my guides wanted me to read that particular book.

Of course, this process only lasted long enough for me to develop a stronger intuition and inner knowingness. Then I could simply feel a deep, energetic connection to information or teachings that was necessary for me, at that point. For years, I read ravenously and listened to many spiritual teachers who helped either direct me forward or assisted me in discerning truth from untruth. We all have had or will have our own unique story of how our awakening unfolded. As seekers of truth, we simply need to stay vigilant and recognize the signposts when they appear to direct us along the way. The signs may be in the form of a book, a person, a class, a retreat, a podcast, or even in a mystical moment of sudden conscience awareness and transcendence.

Eventually, once we have awakened sufficiently, but not necessarily entirely, we will be guided to begin teaching and sharing what we have discovered and remembered. We then become the guideposts for others who are where we were when we began our journey. This can happen at any time along the way. I began sharing almost 40 years ago before, and then after, I began my massage career. I was still learning and healing from a very tumultuous time in my young life. Yet, I was inspired to do so because I found as I spoke, truths were coming through me, not entirely from me, and I learned at the same time that I taught. This is not unusual. When we have a desire to be of service to others, we are served and guided as well through our kindness and compassion.

Finally, my friends and spiritual companions on a mutual path, let us embrace our most important purpose during this and every incarnation. That purpose is to love and care for ourselves every single moment of every single day. When we truly and authentically embrace self-love and believe we are perfect, worthy, and just plain enough, the world all around us will reflect back to us that wonderous love within. Not loving ourselves is invalidating our true nature and disregarding the very substance that defines us. That substance is God’s divine, infinite love and brilliant light. It is the only power that can awaken us all and bring our beautiful world back from divisive fear and return it to unifying love. As awakened and awakening lightworkers, we are called to assist and without hesitation, we shout a resounding “YES!” We got this!


Self-Love…the magical elixir for what ails us


Life After Death and Mediumship