Whatever We Desire Exists on the Other Side of Fear
This discussion is about three things, energy, fear, and love. To begin, let’s refresh our memories by remembering that we are all eternal energy-filled consciousness that exists now and will continue to exist once this earthly incarnation is complete. Everything that exists both here on the earth plane, and in every other world or realm is energy as well. I do believe there is a certain God-consciousness that exists in all creatures. Yet, it seems only humans have the ability to contemplate, formulate, ruminate, and co-create along with our Mother/ Father God in order to live our best and most awakened and enlightened lives.
How do we co-create and master the art of manifestation in our lives. As Albert Einstein so brilliantly put it. “Energy cannot be created or destroyed; it can only be changed from one form to another.” For the purpose of this discussion, we will focus on how we create the life we desire for ourselves personally. We’ll leave the scientific discussion regarding things, like creating a cure for cancer, for another time or perhaps, for other humans who are more left and right brain balanced than I am.
How can we bring into our lives that which we believe will bring us the most satisfaction, comfort, safety, and peace? How do we assure, as much as possible, that we are surrounded by people who will love and appreciate us for the beautiful beings of light and love that we are? The answer is both simple and extremely complicated simultaneously. The answer, I believe, lies within our ability to choose either love or fear at any given moment.
Like everything else, emotions are energy that hold a very specific frequency and vibration. Feelings that arise from each have varying degrees of that emotion. Yet feelings that arise from fear or love are still similar in their ability to manifest what we are focused on. Fear has a vibration that causes us to contract energetically. We tend to take our energy and wrap it tightly around us, like saran wrap, as if in an attempt to protect us from that which we fear. With that contraction, we do not leave much of an opening for our desires to enter our lives. Love has a vibration that precipitates expansion and openness. Our energy acts like a pebble thrown into a pond. It moves outward from the center having access to and the ability to embrace everything that it touches and allow or disallow it into our lives. We can also simply be open to things that may be destined to enter our lives, though unwanted from a human perspective, may be necessary for our soul’s growth.
In order to utilize our energy in a positive way we must be willing to be open to all of life without judging things to be good or bad. Sometimes the goal we desire may come with unwelcome consequences we had not anticipated. If so, we can then decide if those consequences are worth enduring, in order to achieve the blessing that the original goal can offer.
However, if upon deciding we want to attract into our lives a certain situation or experience but are filled with fear about the possible negative consequences, or that we are not worthy of such an achievement, we will close or contract making achievement of our intended goal much more difficult. In fact, when we focus our thoughts on the things we fear, we unintentionally set up a communication with our subconscious that conveys a desire for that which we fear. Fear is a powerful emotion. The subconscious is a very obedient partner. It doesn’t understand that, that which we fear, and are consistently ruminating about, is not what we want. It simply takes that energetic vibration of fear and finds a similar one so that it can bring to us what we are thinking about in our fearful mind not what we ultimately desire.
On the other hand, though fear is a powerful emotion, love is far more powerful than fear. Love also has a tendency to filter out or neutralize any potential negative consequences because those people or situations cannot coexist with the level of love we use to manifest. If it does not, it simply means that whatever challenge comes along with the achievement of our goal is for the benefit and expedition of the evolution of our soul.
So how can we go about knowing exactly how to frame or communicate our desires, dreams. or goals so that we are always on point with our soul’s purpose or life path. Here’s where is quite simple. The bottom line for those of us on a spiritual path directed by our soul, is to want only that which brings more love to our lives and to the world. If we deeply and passionately desire something that is in alignment with the soul’s purpose, we will most likely manifest it with ease. If it is not, the chances are far greater that we will experience obstacle after obstacle, perhaps signaling that we may need to either abandon or revise our goal.
Nothing is set in stone, however, so sometimes, the obstacles or adversities may simply be a lesson we have chosen to learn during this incarnation. They may also be a test of our commitment, dedication, and steadfast passion to, not only create that which we desire, but to follow through with our promise to utilize whatever we desire for the greater good of all. Our intuition can be our best guide. The ego doesn’t usually care about how we follow through. Once we achieve the goal, our ego is off searching for something else that it believes will bring it the next fleeting, heady, and exhilarating moment of success.
So, let’s simplify things, in every moment in our lives, we have a choice to choose either love or fear, expansion and contraction. Life happens. None of us, at least no one I have ever met, is free from the slings and arrows, or the joys and sorrows that this earthly journey brings. Living in fear of what might happen takes us out of the present moment, where life is happening, and into an illusionary future which has no relevance in the here and now.
Being love says, “I am open to all of life. I trust in the divine design for my life and all that that entails. I know that I am not the adversities or the good fortune I experience. Rather, I am the awareness and consciousness that is aware of what is happening in the forefront of my life. I will set my goals in the direction of love and expand that intention to the ends of the universe. When fear arises awakening my ego, and I feel the contraction of my energy begin to take hold, I will call on my team of light, turn my attention to the power of expansion and the love of my soul. I will then stop fear in its tracks.”
Therefore, what we desire is definitely on the other side of fear and we manifest much more quickly when we hold fear at bay. Yet, we also need to be gentle with ourselves. It is not possible to live in such a fearful world and not become victim to fear at some point or points in our lives. It is just important that we are aware that when it happens, and we stay grounded in love. Eventually the love will extinguish the fear because love is who we are. We are mighty, magnificent lightworkers and love is our Divine super-power. completed