Connecting with the Angelic Realm with Archangel Michael
Find a place to sit where you won’t be disturbed. Close your eyes now and be sure that your feet are flat on the floor. Begin by taking a long deep breath in through your nose very slowly….hold it…and release it slowly through your mouth. With each breath open to the healing energy of the angels. Take another deep breath…hold it and slowly release it. One more time breathe in slowly and release it.
Imagine a golden light all around you spreading out as far around you and as high above you as you can visualize it. You feel safe and so relaxed as the light strengthens and grows. This is a protective golden dome which will create a barrier and protective shield so that any unwanted or negative energies will be unable to enter inside it as we take a wonderful spiritual journey to the angelic realm. We ask that the angelic realm be present for us now to assist us on our journey. At the same time, we surrender to our Divine Creator and accept whatever experience is appropriate for us today.