Drusilla's Dream

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Being the Light

What does it mean to be on a spiritual path? Are some of us on one and others are not? The answers to both questions are simple. To exist, whether incarnate or discarnate, is to be on a spiritual path. We are all on a spiritual journey here on earth because we are spiritual beings having a physical experience. Some only seem like they are not spiritually directed because their awareness is perpetually sleeping in the dark shadows of untruths, or under the deceptive illusions of the physical world. Our soul’s main objectives are to evolve and express its Divine nature. That nature, of course, is love in its purest, most authentic manifestation, and its expression is in radiating its divine light.

When our soul makes the decision to merge with a physical form and take on the density of this mortal experience, it does so with the purpose of learning how to mindfully control and utilize its intense power. It must discover how to direct its energy for the betterment and evolution of itself, as well as that of the “Sacred One.” We are all part of that Sacred Unity. We are committed to each other in a way that is quite impossible to fully comprehend. Yet, when we become aware of our inter-connectedness, we know that failing to assist others in their spiritual development means inhibiting the progression of our own.

Therefore, we do not need to embark on a spiritual journey, but to awaken to the understanding that we are already on one. Our souls may be seemingly napping under a tree somewhere while our somewhat oblivious human counterpart goes about the business of unconscious living. They are not. Occasionally, we may believe that they seem to wake from their slumber and try to get the attention of the personality and mind of their egoic friends, because for a moment we feel their presence. Of course, the soul never sleeps and is endlessly trying to reach and connect with us. Our humanity ,failing to respond to the voice within, does not mean the mortal part of us is not good and decent. It very well may be. It means that he or she is continuing to live the dream of believing that what they perceive with their physical senses is all that there is, and all that we are. If we continue living with this lack of integration, we will never feel completely whole or fulfilled. We may miss the incredible opportunities for soul development that a physical incarnation offers.

With this new awareness, it should be simple to step out of the shadows of our illusions and into the light of truth and understanding, right? We should be able to remember our spiritual life purpose, and charge forward with our mission. Yet, it is not always that easy. We may have become complacent and comfortable in the security that the darkness provides. We may fear that the light may expose who we really are. We may be afraid that if people can see us without our dark cave to obscure our secrets, or our carefully constructed masks to hide our imperfections, we will be shunned. Maybe we are terrified that living consciously and spiritually will require sacrifices we are not prepared to make.

The questions then to ask are these. If we choose to stay in our suspended state of unconsciousness, will the continuous feelings of restlessness and emptiness, that always emerge when we least expect them, ever dissipate? Do we really believe that the next job promotion, or reaching the next level of financial success will finally bring us the happiness and peace we long for? Will we ever grab the brass ring, and be free to get off the pointless merry go round of our ego-driven and less that than completely fulfilling life?

The thing to remember is that none of our corporal pursuits have any meaning or relevance in our true home in spirit. They only carry importance and value here in this world. When we are too old and frail to take care of our material possessions, and our bodies can no longer move about and take us where we long to go, what will we have left to make us smile and give us hope? We will still have our essence that can only be embraced and understood by living a spiritually mindful life. The treasures of doing so are beyond measure and priceless. Those gifts of Spirit carry within them lasting benefits and infinite gratitude that may indeed lead to consistent states of tranquility and joy.

So again, we can stop trying to be the light. Simply relax and allow our light to shine. The way to do that is to just be who we are. Who is that? The answer is in the question. To ask who we are means we are realizing that we are so much more than we thought. Just bask in the question and be the light!